What is autoimmune…
Autoimmunity is where the body’s immune system and its natural ability to fight infection is overactive. The result is the body mistakenly attacks and fights itself in the process of trying to fight a foreign infection. The easiest way to think about it is that your body has its own army ready to defend its own land and castle, however, for no particular reason that army chooses to attack its own people and castle, destroying itself in the process.
One common misunderstanding with autoimmune disease is the confusion between some forms of arthritis. We regularly hear people saying they have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or rheumatism. In fact, the confusion here is usually between RA and Osteoarthritis. RA is autoimmune and is where the body fights its own cells and structures causing irreversible joint damage. Osteoarthritis is also joint damage, but this is caused by general wear and tear, over use and can be triggered by faulty biomechanics and trauma. For the most, people suffering with arthritis generally suffer from Osteoarthritis.
Other autoimmune conditions which work similarly but effect areas such as organs, the digestive system, our hormone regulation and nervous systems include Lupus, Crohn’s, Graves, Addison’s, and Multiple sclerosis.